April 2011
Dozens of social-service workers and their clients rallied in Orlando on Friday to warn of "Draconian" legislative cuts targeting state-funded programs for mental health, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, foster children and those with disabilities. Led by Orlando Democrat Dick Batchelor, who served eight… Read more ›
Dick Batchelor, political consultant and owner of Dick Batchelor Management Group Inc., who was in the House of Representatives from 1974 to 1982. My thoughts on the bills that would pre-empt local governments from enacting stricter regulations than the state, like the fertilizer sales law: I’m very… Read more ›
Although the 60-day Florida legislative session is more than a third done, more proposed laws are emerging each day that could impact Central Florida businesses. They range from a law designed to deregulate 20 industries to one that would change how the state manages urban sprawl and yet another that… Read more ›