November 2011
Lobbyist and political pundit Dick Batchelor said he has heard the rumors of a possible Dyer gubernatorial campaign. It would be natural for Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to consider running in 2014, he said, given Republican Gov. Rick Scott's low approval ratings. "Anytime you've got a very unpopular seated… Read more ›
Central Florida businesses apparently don’t believe in trying to buy influence. Their political contributions so far make up just $2.6 million, or 2.9 percent, of all money given toward politics in the state so far this year. Read more ›
The Orange County School Board on Tuesday gave the go-ahead to a plan the chairman hopes will raise millions of dollars for district programs in coming years. "Increasingly, we are going to have to look to ourselves to fund programs we need, like mentoring," said board chairman Bill Sublette, citing… Read more ›