Dick In The News

With more that 35 years of experience, Dick Batchelor is consistently
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Domestic-violence work is admired

This article first appeared in the Orlando Sentinel. View original here
3 Feb

Carol Wick's My Word column, "Super gain in domestic-violence fight" on Sunday was spot on about the National Football League-sponsored commercial during the Super Bowl, but her message — the need for everyone to act — bears repeating 365 days a year.

I'm proud of Orange County and its Domestic Violence Commission. The county has "acted," putting many of the commission's recommendations into place. Preventing and reducing incidents of abuse is a strategy that saves lives and changes lives of survivors. It's wise, too, because it reduces costs for law enforcement and the courts.

I appreciate Harbor House of Central Florida for leading efforts to make our community a safer place, and for the county's embrace of leadership to protect vulnerable children and families.

Dick J. Batchelor

Co-chair, Domestic Violence Commission
