Editorial: Keep half-penny tax to benefit schools, economy
The Orlando Sentinel endorses Batchelor's campaign to keep the half-penny tax to benefit schools, economy. Read more ›
With more that 35 years of experience, Dick Batchelor is consistently
sought out to provide expert commentary on business and governmental affairs. Read more about his appearances in the news below.
The Orlando Sentinel endorses Batchelor's campaign to keep the half-penny tax to benefit schools, economy. Read more ›
Beth Kassab writes a local column for the Sentinel every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. This Thursday, she focuses on Dick Batchelor's campaign to extend the half-penny tax. Read more ›
In a recent interview with the Sentinel Editorial Board, Dick Batchelor said the extension is essential to build or renovate 59 schools in the county. Excerpts of the interview follow. Read more ›
School officials and their supporters gathered Wednesday with Washington Shores Elementary School as a backdrop to talk about why Orange County still needs a half-penny sales tax for school construction. Read more ›
"The challenge in school-board races is there's no name recognition, they're on the bottom of the ballot and direct mail has to be targeted to people who are likely to vote," said Dick Batchelor, a management consultant who is heading efforts to renew a sales tax for school construction. Read more ›